Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

1. Opening Date: 4 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng   2. Coach Training (Day 1 & Day 2) Date: 4 April 2019, 5 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), […]

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5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

A 5-a-side Football Invitational was successfully held at G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College on 27 May 2018. This event was co-organized by the Gifted Education Council and the Arsenal Soccer School (Hong Kong). More than 180 participants from 13 teams endured the scorching weather and competed within their age groups. The […]

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第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

(16) 第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017) 第三屆「兩岸三城教育論壇」、第一季第六場「山長講壇」暨廣州越秀區第六屆教育學術節於2017 年12 月11 日完滿結束。當日,國內外教育專家、校長、老師雲集廣州,一同探討學生個性化發展議題。 是次教育論壇的主題為《點燃·喚醒:國際視野下的學生個性化發展》,分別由劉堅教授、張志敏校長及李業富教授三位嘉賓主講。三位講者不約而同以中國的科技發展為題材,各自表述其精闢獨到的教育觀點。於李業富教授演講期間,更設與觀眾互動的環節,其中「你會比較信賴人類醫生還是高智能機器人醫生?」的提問, 更引發台下觀眾積極思考及熱烈討論。 當日下午為「山長講壇」,「山長講壇」是2017 年6 月由廣東省中小學校長聯合會發起的,以「啟迪教育智慧、分享教育之道」為宗旨,傳播中國教育的智慧。 2017 年第一季「山長講壇」共設6 場,每月一場,每場誠邀4 至6 位校長、教育家或其他各界名家共同參與,分享各自獨特的教育觀點。「山長講壇」借鑑了風靡全球的TED 演講模式,先由校長演講18 分鐘,再由聽眾提問12 分鐘。本校校長譚國偉博士是當日講壇的講者之一, 其講題為《多元資優,盡展潛能》,論述如何在香港中學實踐個性化發展,培育資優人才。當日的觀眾對香港培育資優學生很感興趣,現場反應熱烈,譚校長就著觀眾的查詢一一回應。

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Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

The Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (HKJSBO) was an event where students from high schools experienced a challenging test of their skills in tackling biological problems through reasoning, understanding, and problem-solving. It provided a platform for students to learn biology in a lively way by taking a more exploratory […]

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The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

Educational exchanges in Greater China are becoming more frequent. In order to promote cross-strait cooperation between mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, the Gifted Education Council (GEC) founded the Tri-City Education Forum in Hong Kong in 2015, cooperating with Shu-Te University (Kaohsiung,Taiwan) and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals to hold […]

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Variety Show 2016 (2016)

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

The 2016 Variety Show was held successfully on 6th July. Sparkling performances included A Cappella, orchestra, handchimes group, modern dance, nunchucks, African drum, juggling, and the finale was mass singing. Mr. Terry Leung (violinist), Pluto Chu (saxophonist), Mr. Mario Bernardo (pop singer), and Mr. Alex Cheung (African drum soloist) were […]

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Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

G.T. College always upholds its education philosophy–“joyful and balanced development.” Other than promoting literary reading and honed writing skills, the school has been concentrating on the development of school sports. The Secondary Section of G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College successfully set the Guinness World Record for the largest nunchaku session with […]

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Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

The Sister Schools Agreements for G.T. College, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School (KGHS), Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School (KSHS), and Kamnoetvidya Science Academy (KVIS) were formalised after the signature ceremony held on 27 January 2016.The GEC will engage G.T. College to visit these schools for having cultural […]

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Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School (Nagaokakyo Campus) from Japan organised a super global forum in January for students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Britain, and Singapore. G.T. College representing Hong Kong to Kyoto of Japan had some sharing with students from various countries. Principal Tam led a delegation […]

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Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Coupled with Shu-Te University of Taiwan and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals, the Gifted Education Council of Hong Kong held the “Tri-City Education Forum” in 2005. The three cities championing this new era of education are Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Kaohsiung. It is the 100th year anniversary of famous educationist […]

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