

日期:2023年7月7日及7月10日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 故事發生於七、八十年代,女主角宜蘭自小由爺爺陪伴長大,感情深厚,與一眾鄉親關係融洽,好不熱鬧。然而, 隨著舉家移民至洛杉機,青少年的宜蘭慢慢遺忘了童年的回憶,與爺爺的關係也逐漸疏離。事隔多年,爺爺去逝在即,宜蘭才醒悟過來,在遺憾中答應回鄉替爺爺完成遺願。就在重新踏入五和村的一刻,她慢慢尋回故鄉的記憶,慢慢尋回自己的根,慢慢尋回自己的名字…… 優才普通話音樂劇:《洛葉歸根》共有兩場公演,分別為20 2 3 年7 月7日,以本校家長為對象;2023年7月10日,以小學六年級家長同學及南山外國語集團學校交流生為對象。《洛葉歸根》一劇包羅各種中國傳統文化,如:功夫、舞獅、書法等,情節笑中有淚,不少來賓家長都因劇中的爺孫情而感觸落淚。除了李業富教授、譚國偉校長的分享外,立法會議員洪雯亦於劇終後上台分享祖國與香港的深厚關係,帶出香港回歸祖國正是浮萍終於「歸根」,與本劇相互呼應。本劇以不一樣的方式作國民教育,同時實踐多元智能教育,期望2024年繼往開來!

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優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」 日期:2022年7月28日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 故事講述一場音樂真人秀,各參賽者傾力以勁歌熱舞表演,以奪取桂冠。然而,鎂光下,每人背後也有各自的辛酸磨折,才成就今日血淚交融的演出。一對熱切追求演藝夢的姐妹,希望透過歌聲感染眾人,唯在現實與追夢間拉扯徘徊,最終姐妹二人各自走上不同的道路。千帆過盡,只要不忘初心,縱身處不同崗位也能造福人群。歡聲淚影間,眾人使出渾身解數,淬煉出一個又一個香江故事,成就香港二十五年來獨一無二的動人傳奇,以 HK’s Got Talent 證明港人驕傲。 優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」於2022年7月28日圓滿結束。音樂劇於當晚7時揭開序幕,李業富教授與譚國偉博士感謝台前幕後一眾師生的辛勤付出,並期望優才繼續發展多元智能教育,讓同學發揮所長。當晚同學載歌載舞,各司其職,令全場約二百名觀眾看得如癡如醉。劇終一刻,禮堂掌聲雷動,劇組全體人員鞠躬致謝,並期望來年再會。當晚演出成為為本校創校團體「天才教育協會」籌得款項以作推動資優教育之用。

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Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

1. Opening Date: 4 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng   2. Coach Training (Day 1 & Day 2) Date: 4 April 2019, 5 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), […]

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5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

A 5-a-side Football Invitational was successfully held at G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College on 27 May 2018. This event was co-organized by the Gifted Education Council and the Arsenal Soccer School (Hong Kong). More than 180 participants from 13 teams endured the scorching weather and competed within their age groups. The […]

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Variety Show 2016 (2016)

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

The 2016 Variety Show was held successfully on 6th July. Sparkling performances included A Cappella, orchestra, handchimes group, modern dance, nunchucks, African drum, juggling, and the finale was mass singing. Mr. Terry Leung (violinist), Pluto Chu (saxophonist), Mr. Mario Bernardo (pop singer), and Mr. Alex Cheung (African drum soloist) were […]

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Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

G.T. College always upholds its education philosophy–“joyful and balanced development.” Other than promoting literary reading and honed writing skills, the school has been concentrating on the development of school sports. The Secondary Section of G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College successfully set the Guinness World Record for the largest nunchaku session with […]

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Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Before celebrating the festive Christmas season, the GEC and the Parent-Teacher Association of the GTC held a variety show. That night, we were very honoured to invite Ms. CHENG Wing Fan (Chinese singer), Mr. Pluto CHU (saxophonist), Dr. Isaac D DROSCHA (baritone), Mr. Terry LEUNG (violinist) as well as GTC […]

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