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Gifted education & training for talented children

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Cause we are the world

We promote gifted education and training of gifted & talented children. We believe that everyone has talent. As long as he/she is properly nutured, there are no limits for any child’s future.

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Archives of Our Works

The first activity start from 1988 …

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Coupled with Shu-Te University of Taiwan and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals, the Gifted Education Council of Hong Kong held the “Tri-City Education Forum” in 2005. The three cities championing this new era of education are Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Kaohsiung. It is the 100th year anniversary of famous educationist […]

International MI Education Forum (2022)

International MI Education Forum (2022)

With the support from G.T. College, Gifted Education Council, G.T. Education Foundation, and Research MI, the International MI Education Forum 2022 is an international multi-stakeholders’ platform for educational stakeholder communities active in the area of curriculum design and implementation. Being conducted in a hybrid mode, it brings together policymakers, thought […]

2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

「2020 第十一屆世界數學團體錦標賽」原本輪到越南主辦,但因疫情改由各地區自行安排賽事。 香港區比賽已於2020 年11 月29 日( 星期日) 舉行,感謝優才( 楊殷有娣) 書院提供禮堂,使賽事得以圓滿進行。 參賽國家/ 地區包括美國、澳洲、日本、巴西、埃及、西班牙、卡塔爾、阿爾巴尼亞、保加利亞、越南、新加坡、菲律賓、印尼、南韓、台灣、香港、澳門、中國各城市…… 舉辦機構 : 香港數學奧林匹克學校 及 國際培育基金會 主辦 天才教育協會 及 香港數學學校 協辦 其宗旨為: (i) 增進各地區青少年之間的瞭解和交流,建立跨國友誼。 (ii) 培養青少年團結合作的精神。 (iii) 增進各國數學教育工作者之 (iv) 培養青少年學習數學的興趣,提升他們的數學思維能力。 間的交流與合作,促進數學教育的發展。

南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)

南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)

4月6日,深圳市南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式在南山區舉行。雙方將建立“優才南外”教學教研聯盟,優才書院將成為南山外國語學校(集團)第一所香港聯盟學校。雙方旨在通過教育交流合作,共同培育創新人才,建立深港教育融合示範模式,走出以高水準開放及合作促進教育高品質發展的新路徑。 先行示範深港教育融合實踐 根據協定,雙方將建立“優才南外”教學教研聯盟,邀請香港優才書院成為南山外國語學校(集團)聯盟學校,先行示範深港教育融合實踐。 香港中聯辦教育科技部副處長陳志祿線上參會,陳志祿認為,這次合作可謂強強聯手,優勢互補,為雙方注入新的發展動能和活力,攜手打造大灣區教育合作的新標杆,培養更多懂大灣區、愛大灣區,願意參與大灣區融合發展,積極為“一國兩制”事業行穩致遠貢獻力量的新一代青年學生。 南山區委常委、區委(區政府)辦公室主任李威表示,雙方在教育融合、教學教研聯盟、學生互訪、國際理解課程、英才培育、師資培養等方面的合作,對於推動雙方相互學習先進經驗、共用優質教育資源具有重要意義,也有助於雙方青少年深入理解“一國兩制”在香港的成功實踐,不斷增強文化認同、厚植家國情懷。 為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。 師生“互訪周” 為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。    

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

The 2016 Variety Show was held successfully on 6th July. Sparkling performances included A Cappella, orchestra, handchimes group, modern dance, nunchucks, African drum, juggling, and the finale was mass singing. Mr. Terry Leung (violinist), Pluto Chu (saxophonist), Mr. Mario Bernardo (pop singer), and Mr. Alex Cheung (African drum soloist) were […]

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Before celebrating the festive Christmas season, the GEC and the Parent-Teacher Association of the GTC held a variety show. That night, we were very honoured to invite Ms. CHENG Wing Fan (Chinese singer), Mr. Pluto CHU (saxophonist), Dr. Isaac D DROSCHA (baritone), Mr. Terry LEUNG (violinist) as well as GTC […]

Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

The GEC invited Prof. SHI Jiannong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mainland China), Prof. WANG Hong from the South China Normal University (Guangdong), Prof. CHEN Lung An from the Shih Chien University (Taiwan) and Prof. Rex LI Ip Fu from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of […]

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School (Nagaokakyo Campus) from Japan organised a super global forum in January for students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Britain, and Singapore. G.T. College representing Hong Kong to Kyoto of Japan had some sharing with students from various countries. Principal Tam led a delegation […]

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

The Sister Schools Agreements for G.T. College, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School (KGHS), Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School (KSHS), and Kamnoetvidya Science Academy (KVIS) were formalised after the signature ceremony held on 27 January 2016.The GEC will engage G.T. College to visit these schools for having cultural […]

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

主禮嘉賓:香港中聯辦教科部 何金暉處長 日期及地點:2020年11月13日 (香港培僑中學禮堂) 2020年11月14日 (香港優才書院禮堂) •由廣東省教育研究院及五個協會 (香港校長專業發展促進會、香港教育工作者聯會、九龍地域校長聯會、新界校長會、澳 門中華教育會)倡議成立; •粵港澳大灣區(9+2城市)近200位大灣區校長及60位港澳校長參與; •多家知名媒體報導:獲得人民日報、紫荊雜誌、大公報、南方日報、羊城晚報等多家媒體報導。 精華片段: 香港分會場:優才(楊殷有娣)書院禮堂 廣東分會場:北京師範大學珠海校區國際交流中心3樓國會廳  

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」 日期:2022年7月28日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 故事講述一場音樂真人秀,各參賽者傾力以勁歌熱舞表演,以奪取桂冠。然而,鎂光下,每人背後也有各自的辛酸磨折,才成就今日血淚交融的演出。一對熱切追求演藝夢的姐妹,希望透過歌聲感染眾人,唯在現實與追夢間拉扯徘徊,最終姐妹二人各自走上不同的道路。千帆過盡,只要不忘初心,縱身處不同崗位也能造福人群。歡聲淚影間,眾人使出渾身解數,淬煉出一個又一個香江故事,成就香港二十五年來獨一無二的動人傳奇,以 HK’s Got Talent 證明港人驕傲。 優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」於2022年7月28日圓滿結束。音樂劇於當晚7時揭開序幕,李業富教授與譚國偉博士感謝台前幕後一眾師生的辛勤付出,並期望優才繼續發展多元智能教育,讓同學發揮所長。當晚同學載歌載舞,各司其職,令全場約二百名觀眾看得如癡如醉。劇終一刻,禮堂掌聲雷動,劇組全體人員鞠躬致謝,並期望來年再會。當晚演出成為為本校創校團體「天才教育協會」籌得款項以作推動資優教育之用。

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

The 2021 Hong Kong Economics Olympiad has successfully completed the preliminary contest on April 17, 2021. The preliminary contest of the day was divided into two sections. The first section was economic multiple-choice questions, and the second section was business discussion cases. The judges were Lai, Chui & CO. Accountant […]
