Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad (2024)

Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad (2024)

國際數學奧林匹克奪8 金4 銀3 銅佳績

優才(楊殷有娣)書院12 名成績優異的學生,代表中國香港於早前在土耳其伊斯坦堡舉行的2024土耳其國際數學奧林匹克(Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad 2024)競賽中力壓群雄,憑藉對數學敏銳觸覺和卓越的解難能力,兩天的比賽於兩卷合共奪得8 金、4 銀、3 銅的佳績,並獲大會頒發優異獎。港隊全體成員均有獲獎,為香港於國際大賽中奪得歷史性佳績。

這次國際數學奧林匹克總決賽於士耳其伊斯坦堡理工大學以兩份考卷分別於 28/5 及29/5 連續兩天為參賽者進行考核,來自世界各地的數學精英同場競技,由大學教授等專業評判評分。


金獎得主: 陳卓釗、冼嘉樂、楊禮滔、梁語宸、曁曉澄、施語彤、鍾熙仲

銀獎得主: 吳卓軒、蓋德峰、黄正昇

銅獎及優異獎得主: 梁皓洋、梁語宸、曁曉澄、吳家進

中國香港隊於比賽中表現優秀突出,其中楊禮滔於兩卷的成績極佳,為香港隊贏得2面金牌。另外,梁語宸、曁曉澄及蓋德峰亦於兩卷分別奪得1金1銅、1金1銅及 2 銀的成績。

香港隊領隊、優才(楊殷有娣)書院錢正康博士表示各隊員的爭勝決心很強:「這次比賽時間臨近學校年終大考,同學們需要為校內試温習,同時亦要作賽前準備,只抽得比賽前大概一星期時間進行訓練,時間略為不足,但12 位港隊成員目標非常清晰,自律能力高,於賽前把握任何機會及時間作操練、互相討論及研究。」



國際經濟奧林匹克比賽 (2023)

國際經濟奧林匹克比賽 (2023)


第六屆國際經濟奧林匹克比賽於8月1日(歐洲時間)在希臘沃洛斯市圓滿閉幕。這場比賽吸引了來自全球48 個地區/國家的頂尖學生參與,他們在希臘爭奪經濟學至高無上的榮譽。香港奧林匹克經濟代表隊首次實體參加這一賽事,經歷了一次驚奇之旅。




他們從香港機場出發,先到多哈,然後等候轉機,再由多哈出發到雅典,接著乘旅遊巴從雅典到沃洛斯市。整個旅程需要大約30小時才能到達比賽地點。他們只能在飛機上稍作休息,精神狀態實在不足。另外,其他國家一般派遣中六畢業生參賽, 他們很多學生在一月時已經取得大學入學資格,並在二、三月進行了密集的訓練。然而,香港隊的主要成員是來自中四和中五的同學,他們直到七月才有時間進行訓練,明顯處於劣勢。






故事發生於七、八十年代,女主角宜蘭自小由爺爺陪伴長大,感情深厚,與一眾鄉親關係融洽,好不熱鬧。然而, 隨著舉家移民至洛杉機,青少年的宜蘭慢慢遺忘了童年的回憶,與爺爺的關係也逐漸疏離。事隔多年,爺爺去逝在即,宜蘭才醒悟過來,在遺憾中答應回鄉替爺爺完成遺願。就在重新踏入五和村的一刻,她慢慢尋回故鄉的記憶,慢慢尋回自己的根,慢慢尋回自己的名字……

優才普通話音樂劇:《洛葉歸根》共有兩場公演,分別為20 2 3 年7 月7日,以本校家長為對象;2023年7月10日,以小學六年級家長同學及南山外國語集團學校交流生為對象。《洛葉歸根》一劇包羅各種中國傳統文化,如:功夫、舞獅、書法等,情節笑中有淚,不少來賓家長都因劇中的爺孫情而感觸落淚。除了李業富教授、譚國偉校長的分享外,立法會議員洪雯亦於劇終後上台分享祖國與香港的深厚關係,帶出香港回歸祖國正是浮萍終於「歸根」,與本劇相互呼應。本劇以不一樣的方式作國民教育,同時實踐多元智能教育,期望2024年繼往開來!

「新學說」香港DSE課程學術研討會訪校團 (2023)

「新學說」香港DSE課程學術研討會訪校團 (2023)




南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)

南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)






為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。


為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。



“我愛祖國-香港萬人同唱國歌”大型活動 (2023)

“我愛祖國-香港萬人同唱國歌”大型活動 (2023)

活動日期: 18/1/2023

活動時間: 上午十點正 (完滿結束)

活動地點: 優才書院(將軍澳)禮堂

活動當天擬於 18/1/2023 早上10:00正於優才書院(將軍澳) 禮堂內進行,並於指定時間內,各參與單位一同唱國歌及誓師。 並由主辦、合辦及協辦機構以及各界貴賓於會場內帶領下進行,使用校內大屏幕與所有參與單位一起萬人齊唱國歌。 以集合本港各愛國愛港團體人士,眾志成城,共同保衛我國國歌尊嚴。


  • 高永文醫生 GBS, JP
  • 吳克儉先生 GBS, JP
  • 田北辰議員 BBS, JP
  • 葛珮帆議員 BBS, JP
  • 何君堯議員 JP
  • 容海恩議員 JP


(一) 維護國歌尊嚴

共享學習天地是次舉辦「我愛祖國 – 香港萬人 同唱國歌」, 支持香港政府連結更多社會各界人士共同維護國歌尊嚴, 並希望用盡一切努力, 深化每位香港人認識我國國歌的真諦。並提醒全港市民,須絕對清楚明白, 在「一國兩制」下,香港特別行政區並沒有獨立的國歌,在任何場合,如需要播放我國國歌,應使用中華人民共和國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》。

(二) 讓國歌深入民心



浸入式英語學習計劃 (2022)

浸入式英語學習計劃 (2022)





非牟利機構「共享學習天地」與旺角警區及旺角區少年警訊合辦的「浸入式英語學習計劃」網上英語課程,於旺角街坊會陳慶社區會堂舉行啟動禮。警務處處長蕭澤頤PDSM PMSM、旺角區少年警訊名譽會長會及油尖旺區撲滅罪行委員會主席陳香蓮JP、旺角警區指揮官吳志忠總警司及一眾旺角區少年警訊名譽會長會會長及顧問包括羅少雄先生MH、歐天賜先生、王子成先生MH、吳錦祥先生、丁天佑先生、駱德祥先生、陳麗芳博士及甄懋強先生出席典禮,期間與在場100位校長、老師、學生及家長交流。



優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」



故事講述一場音樂真人秀,各參賽者傾力以勁歌熱舞表演,以奪取桂冠。然而,鎂光下,每人背後也有各自的辛酸磨折,才成就今日血淚交融的演出。一對熱切追求演藝夢的姐妹,希望透過歌聲感染眾人,唯在現實與追夢間拉扯徘徊,最終姐妹二人各自走上不同的道路。千帆過盡,只要不忘初心,縱身處不同崗位也能造福人群。歡聲淚影間,眾人使出渾身解數,淬煉出一個又一個香江故事,成就香港二十五年來獨一無二的動人傳奇,以 HK’s Got Talent 證明港人驕傲。

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」於2022年7月28日圓滿結束。音樂劇於當晚7時揭開序幕,李業富教授與譚國偉博士感謝台前幕後一眾師生的辛勤付出,並期望優才繼續發展多元智能教育,讓同學發揮所長。當晚同學載歌載舞,各司其職,令全場約二百名觀眾看得如癡如醉。劇終一刻,禮堂掌聲雷動,劇組全體人員鞠躬致謝,並期望來年再會。當晚演出成為為本校創校團體「天才教育協會」籌得款項以作推動資優教育之用。

『兩文三語』菁英大比拼 (2022)

『兩文三語』菁英大比拼 (2022)



Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET) (2022)

Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET) (2022)

The Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET). On behalf of the MISNET is initiated by the Gifted Education Council and the G.T. Education Foundation.

With the conviction that the MI (multiple intelligences) education is a right more than a luxury for students and schools, today, we have taken the initiative–to take a joint pledge and to start our exploration of the concept and practices of MI via more regular meetings and exchanges in the year to come.

As a transformative and committed leader of Hong Kong school/organisation, being a founding member of the MISNET will be of defining differences to the education journey of our students, parents, teachers, and school successes.

We should hereby take pride and pleasure in our concerted effort to create more success, sanity, and satisfaction for our students, teachers, parents, and policy-makers.

There would be follow-up work for member schools, such as regular sharing sessions in the MI Reading Club, in the half yearly Research MI journal, and in the MI Teaching & Learning sharing sessions, just to name a few.


Professor Benny Hon

Professor Benny Hon kicked off the MISNET Inauguration with his presentation topic, “Research Talent Education Programme for Gifted Students in Hong Kong” which is a pilot study for a research group to be composed of gifted students from G.T. College and research students from local and overseas universities. The duration of the programme will be four months starting from the midst of December 2022 and expected to have a regular 3-hour weekly meeting at CityU or G.T. College.

Professor Hon gave a thorough explanation of the programme in the pilot study which provided 4 full-day Math/3D lessons and 2 full-day Psychology workshops to the 54 selected gifted students of Hong Kong in the summer of 2020. These STEM lessons included Mathematics theory/3D Modelling techniques to equip students with the ability to handmake mathematical models from raw materials and 3D software “Tinkercad. ”

Prof. Rex Li

Prof. Rex Li,the MI guru of Hong Kong, presented one of his articles about Professor Howard Gardner entitled “MI Theory: Howard Gardner in Progress” (see Research MI, Vol. 1 No. 1). The life stories of Gardner are inspiring and amazing to the guest audience and teachers in the MISNET Inauguration on 9 December 2022.

Touching the significant stages of Gardner’s life, Prof. Li revealed to the all-eyed audience that it is never too late to learn and embrace the dynamic of learning and MI education on- and off-campus. The sharing of the day seems to draw some parallels between the gifted the talented, the able and the average.



International MI Education Forum (2022)

International MI Education Forum (2022)

With the support from G.T. College, Gifted Education Council, G.T. Education Foundation, and Research MI, the International MI Education Forum 2022 is an international multi-stakeholders’ platform for educational stakeholder communities active in the area of curriculum design and implementation. Being conducted in a hybrid mode, it brings together policymakers, thought leaders, teacher educators, teachers, and students, to foster regular sharing of experiences and good practice, as well as mutual learning and convergence of views on the future of education and skills in the postpandemic era. It was successfully held on 24th June, 2022 at G.T. College, with over 1000 participants including scholars, school principals, parents and students.

To state the obvious, education has transformed in numerous ways under the enigma of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was, therefore, vital for education providers to come together and share their views on the transformations brought about by the pandemic, and to discuss ways to maximize the potential of making education better for our students in the coming years. All distinguished speakers had a great many insights on the current and potential issues in education in the postpandemic era. It was incredible to hear from them some salient and thought-provoking points from various perspectives in education. The forum achieved a milestone in international cooperation in education amidst the current pandemic. The International MI Education Forum further hopes to enrich our fellow educators’ minds to improve education for all students.

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2022)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2022)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) is initiated by Gifted Education Council (GEC) and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College in February 2021. It aims to enhance the interest and passion of secondary school students in science and technology to address global challenges and to connect talented young scientists in the GBA to exchange their knowledge and showcase their innovative ideas. We truly believe that the event would build a network of young science talents in the GBA and connect them with leading science professionals to inspire them to be the next generation of innovators and leaders. The competition receives enormous supports from professors in different tertiary institutions and professionals from science and technology research institutes as Panel Judges in the two rounds of the competition. With the positive impact it brings to the sustainable development of STEM education, GBASPC Organizing Committee is honoured to announce the initiation of the 2nd Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition, GBASPC 2022.

Nomination of the First Round of the GBASPC 2022 was initiated in February. In mid October, 10 Finalist Teams were selected by a Judging Panel which consisted of 30 professors in different tertiary institutions and 2 professionals from science and technology research institutes to enter the Final Round of the competition. GBASPC Final Round and the STEM Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony were successfully held on 19 November 2022 in G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College. The event was performed in a hybrid mode. In the morning session, 10 Finalist Teams gave a 10 min presentation followed by a 10 min Q&A session with Judging Panel consisting of 11 university professors and a professional from research institute.

The STEM Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony was held in the afternoon. There were 180 participants joining the event. Principal Dr. Tam, Chairperson of the Gifted Education Council and GBASPC Organizing Committee gave an opening speech to welcome all audience.

It was our great honour to have Prof. Henry Nai Ching Wong, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Founding Member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences as the Guest of Honour of the STEM forum. Besides, it was our privilege to have Prof. Reynold Chun Kong Cheng to be the Guest of Honour of the Award Presentation Ceremony on behalf of the President of the University of Hong Kong, Prof. Xiang Zhang.

The STEM forum was uniquely focused to bring together three leading STEM professionals to share insights about STEM education. Prof. To Ngai, a Professor from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave a sharing about the future of plastics, Prof. Siu Ming Yiu, a Professor from The University of Hong Kong, shared his view about coding and STEM and Prof. Hong Ming Lam, a Professor from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave his insights about application of STEM in agriculture. Our students were actively participated in the Q&A session. Dr. Christine Yu, Coordinator of GBASPC Organizing Committee, gave the Close Remark after the Prize-giving session to end the event. Our students, Chan Pak Lun (11A) and Tse Zhena (10A) were the MC of the event.

Judging Panel

• 30 professors in different tertiary institutions
• 2 professionals from science and technology research institutes

International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge (2022)

International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge (2022)

In the International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge 2022, our students won 2 Gold Awards, 4 Silver Awards and 5 Bronze Awards out of over 1000 participants from 44 countries/regions. Congratulations!



World HK team by GEC
No. of participants >1000 14
No. of Gold Awards 21 (2.1%*) 2 (14.3%*)
No. of Sliver Awards 42 (4.2%*) 4 (28.6%*)
No. of Bronze Awards 69 (6.9%*) 5 (35.7%*)
% of awardees to participants 13.2% 78.6%

*Percentage of awardees to total number of participants

List of awardees World Rank
Gold Award: 10A LEE Long Ching Ryan

10A CHAN Yin Hei Yancy



Silver Award: 10A TSUI Ching Yin Bosco

10B TSANG Hei Tung Rainbow

10A LIU Ka Kiu Belovffy

10B TANG Nok Ham Stephanie





Bronze Award: 10B CHAN Wing Yiu Rochelle

10B NG Shuk Han Sannie

10B CHAN Tsz Yu Melinda

10A CHAN Pak Lun, Jason

10A MOK Shun Hei Daniel






Certificate of Participation: 10B CHEUNG Wing Ching

10A CHAN Hei Man Angeline

10C HO Lok Yee Alie





Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2022)

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2022)

The Hong Kong Economics Olympiad 2022 was successfully completed on June 25, 2022. The HKEO consisted of two parts: an individual economics test and a team-based business case competition.

We were honoured to have three distinguished guests as our judges: Mr. Chui Yiu-man (Certified Public Accountant and Partner of Lai, Chui & Co.), Mr. Peter Chak (Vice Principal of Towngas Engineering Academy) and Ms. Season Ho (Council Member of Hong Kong Association for Economics Education).

Five outstanding students were selected to represent Hong Kong in the International Economics Olympiad 2022 held by China.

We hope that our participation in the International Economics Olympiad will provide another valuable learning opportunity for gifted students in Hong Kong and will encourage friendly exchange among young people from Hong Kong and other countries/regions.

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2021)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2021)

Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) is a STEM competition initiated by Gifted Education Council (GEC) and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College. It aims to connect talented young scientists in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to exchange their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for exploring and developing innovations. This competition has received enormous supports from 32 professors in different tertiary institutions and 2 professionals from science and technology research institutes to serve on the Judging Panel.

Timeline of GBASPC

Feb 2021 Call for application
30 June 2021 Deadline for nomination of projects
3 Sep 2021 Deadline for submission of research papers
(Invention project may supplement with video and ppt) by email
Sep–Oct 2021 Initial screening of research papers by Judging Panel
Nov 2021 Result announcement of First Round Competition
20 Nov 2021 Presentation (10 teams), STEM Education Forum and Award Presentation Cerem


Judging Panel

30 professors in different tertiary institutions

2 professionals from science and technology research institutes

It is our great honour to have Prof. Lap-Chee Tsui, Founding President of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences as the Guest of Honour of the STEM forum. Also, we were very honoured to have Prof. Rex Li, Founder of Gifted Education Council and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College to give a Welcome Speech, Prof. King Lau Chow (HKUST), Prof. Ming Chun Chu (CUHK), Prof. Reynold Chun-Kong Cheng (HKU), Prof. Yun Wah Lam (CityU) and Mr. Kenny Chan (ASTRI) to be the Honoured Speakers and Mr. Johnny Yeung Chi-Hung, Honorary Chairman of Gifted Education Council to give a Close Remark in the STEM forum.

The Award Presentation Ceremony was opened with musical performance by our students, Lee Sze Yat (11A) and Wong Hei (9B). After the insightful Welcome Speech delivered by Principal Dr. Raymond Tam, Chairperson of Gifted Education Council and GBASPC Organizing Committee, another student performance Nunchaku was performed. Dr. Christine Yu, Coordinator of GBASPC Organizing Committee gave the Close Remark after the Prize-giving session. Our students, Yung Zhe Sheng (11A) and Liu Ka Kiu (10A) were the MC of the STEM Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony. It is our honour that a GT team entered the GBASPC Final Round and was awarded a ‘Merit’ achievement.

To provide students a unique and interesting experience of the cutting-edge STEM knowledge and research, a STEM tour of two technology companies, Aerosim (HK) Ltd and Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre in the Hong Kong Science Park was arranged for students in the Finalist Teams on 21 November.


錫(無錫)港(香港)校長論壇 (2021)

錫(無錫)港(香港)校長論壇 (2021)

主禮嘉賓:香港中聯辦教科部 易飛副部長




• 62位粵港澳大灣區及29位江蘇省教育工作者及學校代表參與; • 獻禮祖國:《共敘百年故事》(無錫市教育局負責)、《童聲合唱》


•《全人教育 全面發展》主題論壇促進教育共融與發展;

• 錫港八所中小學締結友好學校。


Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

The 2021 Hong Kong Economics Olympiad has successfully completed the preliminary contest on April 17, 2021. The preliminary contest of the day was divided into two sections. The first section was economic multiple-choice questions, and the second section was business discussion cases. The judges were Lai, Chui & CO. Accountant partner Mr. Chui Yiu Man, and Mr. Peter C.K. Chak, Vice Principal of Towngas Engineering Academy, we successfully selected five outstanding students to represent the Hong Kong team.

We hope that our participation in the International Economics Olympiad will provide another valuable learning opportunity for gifted students in Hong Kong and will encourage friendly relations among young people from Hong Kong and other countries.

The Gifted Education Association has formally applied to the IEO Conference on 31/5/2021.

Our judge, Mr. Peter Chak

Selection Process

The five best students were selected from the inaugural Hong Kong Economics Olympiad 2021 contest held on the following date.

Date : 24th April, 2021

Criteria :

  • 70% Written Economics Test (multiple-choice questions)
  • 30% Written Business Case Analysis


  1. Mr. Peter Chak, Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vice Principal of Towngas Engineering Academy
  2. Mr. Y. M. Chui, Certified Public Accountant, Partner of Lai, Chui & Co
2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

「2020 第十一屆世界數學團體錦標賽」原本輪到越南主辦,但因疫情改由各地區自行安排賽事。

香港區比賽已於2020 年11 月29 日( 星期日) 舉行,感謝優才( 楊殷有娣) 書院提供禮堂,使賽事得以圓滿進行。

參賽國家/ 地區包括美國、澳洲、日本、巴西、埃及、西班牙、卡塔爾、阿爾巴尼亞、保加利亞、越南、新加坡、菲律賓、印尼、南韓、台灣、香港、澳門、中國各城市……

舉辦機構 :

香港數學奧林匹克學校 及 國際培育基金會 主辦 天才教育協會 及 香港數學學校 協辦


(i) 增進各地區青少年之間的瞭解和交流,建立跨國友誼。

(ii) 培養青少年團結合作的精神。

(iii) 增進各國數學教育工作者之

(iv) 培養青少年學習數學的興趣,提升他們的數學思維能力。


粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

主禮嘉賓:香港中聯辦教科部 何金暉處長

日期及地點:2020年11月13日 (香港培僑中學禮堂)

2020年11月14日 (香港優才書院禮堂)

•由廣東省教育研究院及五個協會 (香港校長專業發展促進會、香港教育工作者聯會、九龍地域校長聯會、新界校長會、澳 門中華教育會)倡議成立;







第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽 (2019)

第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽 (2019)

由天才教育協會及東區體育會主辦的第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽已於2019年1月5日小西灣體育館順利完滿舉行。參與是次比賽的學生代表來自中國、中華台北、中國澳門、馬來西亞、新加坡及中國香港。冠軍隊伍由奪標大熱的中華台北隊勇奪,而優才書院男子巧固球隊獲殿軍。本校的男子巧固球隊組軍只有數月,面對各隊實力很強的隊伍,我校每場仍能奮戰到底,表現非常積極。賽後亦獲得國際巧固球總會會長稱讚,期望他們繼續努力集訓,更期望活動能推動香港的巧固球熱, 讓更多人都能享受這種運動的樂趣。

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

1. Opening

Date: 4 April 2019

Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng


Decision-making group: (from left) Mr. Poon Yat Ming , Mr. Johnnie Wong, Dr. Salson To, Dr. Fang Shen-Szu, Dr. Raymond Tam, Mr. Richard Yiu, Ms. Lau Ka Yiu and Mr. Karl Yeung

2. Coach Training (Day 1 & Day 2)

Date: 4 April 2019, 5 April 2019

Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng

3. Coach Training and Assessment

4. Graduation Ceremony

Date: 5 April 2019

Time: 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Venue: 1/F, Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East, 3 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O

All students taking a group photo to mark the occasion First row starting from the left: Chairman Yeung Wah Chiu, President Fang Shen-Szu, Principal Raymond Tam, Principal Huang Chun Hua and Vice-Principal Paul Chan
Dr. To, President Fang, Principal Tam and Vice-Principal Paul Chan

5. Training Handbook

6. Newspaper Article

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

A 5-a-side Football Invitational was successfully held at G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College on 27 May 2018. This event was co-organized by the Gifted Education Council and the Arsenal Soccer School (Hong Kong). More than 180 participants from 13 teams endured the scorching weather and competed within their age groups. The boys’ and girls’ football teams of the primary section had some great games and were awarded the first runners-up of group U12.

Besides, the boys’ football team of the secondary section dominated matches in group U14 and eventually lifted the champion trophy. Aside from the match results, the Invitational provided a platform for teenagers to build friendship and to share the instant thrills and spills of playing football.

第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

(16) 第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

第三屆「兩岸三城教育論壇」、第一季第六場「山長講壇」暨廣州越秀區第六屆教育學術節於2017 年12 月11 日完滿結束。當日,國內外教育專家、校長、老師雲集廣州,一同探討學生個性化發展議題。

是次教育論壇的主題為《點燃·喚醒:國際視野下的學生個性化發展》,分別由劉堅教授、張志敏校長及李業富教授三位嘉賓主講。三位講者不約而同以中國的科技發展為題材,各自表述其精闢獨到的教育觀點。於李業富教授演講期間,更設與觀眾互動的環節,其中「你會比較信賴人類醫生還是高智能機器人醫生?」的提問, 更引發台下觀眾積極思考及熱烈討論。

當日下午為「山長講壇」,「山長講壇」是2017 年6 月由廣東省中小學校長聯合會發起的,以「啟迪教育智慧、分享教育之道」為宗旨,傳播中國教育的智慧。 2017 年第一季「山長講壇」共設6 場,每月一場,每場誠邀4 至6 位校長、教育家或其他各界名家共同參與,分享各自獨特的教育觀點。「山長講壇」借鑑了風靡全球的TED 演講模式,先由校長演講18 分鐘,再由聽眾提問12 分鐘。本校校長譚國偉博士是當日講壇的講者之一, 其講題為《多元資優,盡展潛能》,論述如何在香港中學實踐個性化發展,培育資優人才。當日的觀眾對香港培育資優學生很感興趣,現場反應熱烈,譚校長就著觀眾的查詢一一回應。

Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

The Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (HKJSBO) was an event where students from high schools experienced a challenging test of their skills in tackling biological problems through reasoning, understanding, and problem-solving. It provided a platform for students to learn biology in a lively way by taking a more exploratory and investigative approach. In 2017, the HKJSBO Organizing Committee was formed by the professors from eight tertiary institutions as well as the school principals and teachers from secondary schools serving on the committee. The HKJSBO was funded by the Gifted Education Council (GEC) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) with the support from the Croucher Foundation and the Roche Hong Kong.

The HKJSBO Organizing Committee had been working for over a year to prepare the tests which were in line with the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) standard and format. The entire exercise consisted of three rounds of screening tests with 5 days of lecture series and 4 days of practical training sessions in between. An award ceremony took place in July, 2017.

The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

Educational exchanges in Greater China are becoming more frequent. In order to promote cross-strait cooperation between mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, the Gifted Education Council (GEC) founded the Tri-City Education Forum in Hong Kong in 2015, cooperating with Shu-Te University (Kaohsiung,Taiwan) and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals to hold the first education forum.

The “Tri-City Education Forum” firstly organised in Hong Kong was an unprecedented success. For the continuation and expansion of the “Tri-City Education Forum” effect, the 2016 “Tri-City Education Forum” was hosted by Shu-Te University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It was held in the International Conference Hall of Shu-Te University on 9 December 2016. Dr. Raymond Tam, Chairman of the GEC, together with Secretary General C.Y. Leung and executive committee members Dr. Sang Fung and Mr. Joe Cheung, attended the forum in Taiwan as a co-organiser, witnessing the event with the talented, educators leaders from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

The theme of this forum was “The Flipped Classroom.” In addition to the joint discussion on the topic of improving education, a signing arrangement on joint-partnership activities was organised with the participating schools from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China to promote solid, educational exchanges.

Vice President Yen (Shu-Te University) announced the conclusion of the activity. With the efforts of Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan teams, the forum came to a joyful ending. All looked forward to the reunion at the Tri-City Education Forum in Guangzhou in 2017.

Source of the news (see http://campus.chinatimes.com/20161211001411-262306)


Variety Show 2016 (2016)

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

The 2016 Variety Show was held successfully on 6th July. Sparkling performances included A Cappella, orchestra, handchimes group, modern dance, nunchucks, African drum, juggling, and the finale was mass singing. Mr. Terry Leung (violinist), Pluto Chu (saxophonist), Mr. Mario Bernardo (pop singer), and Mr. Alex Cheung (African drum soloist) were invited to perform in this show. Parents enjoyed the night very much and it was admirable to see our students performing with such a superb standard.

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

G.T. College always upholds its education philosophy–“joyful and balanced development.” Other than promoting literary reading and honed writing skills, the school has been concentrating on the development of school sports.

The Secondary Section of G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College successfully set the Guinness World Record for the largest nunchaku session with the most participants–507 teachers and students. On that day, all participants attended the nunchaku master Mr. Jerry Lau’s lesson, including Dr. Raymond Tam, chairman of the GEC.

The innovation originated two years ago from the nunchaku class of Sports Friday which was popularly welcomed by students in G.T. College. The nunchaku is a fighting weapon in the impression of ordinary people.But from the perspective of martial arts movements, it exercises the left and the right sides of the brain, hand and eye coordination, and keen reaction.

Principal Tam and two P.E. teachers (Dr. Salson To and Mr. Richard Yiu) discussed the promotion of traditional martial arts to Physical Education. The students performed well and G.T. College finally applied for Guinness, making the world record of the largest nunchaku class in 2016.

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

The Sister Schools Agreements for G.T. College, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School (KGHS), Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School (KSHS), and Kamnoetvidya Science Academy (KVIS) were formalised after the signature ceremony held on 27 January 2016.The GEC will engage G.T. College to visit these schools for having cultural exchanges in different aspects.


Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School (Nagaokakyo Campus) from Japan organised a super global forum in January for students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Britain, and Singapore. G.T. College representing Hong Kong to Kyoto of Japan had some sharing with students from various countries. Principal Tam led a delegation of seven Grade 11 students and two teachers to visit Japan in eight days and seven nights.

This time our theme was “World Peace” which were divided into five parts: (1) (refugee) immigration; (2) child labour; (3) food security; (4) gender; and (5) natural resources. The types of activities included poster presentation, oral presentation, and cultural show.

Our students have benefited from the event as it was an eye-opener to them. In addition to in-depth and thorough understanding of Japan, the most important thing is that students from different places could strike up a close friendship in the long run.

Working in groups, students could experience cultural differences, mutual cooperation, and concerted effort in order to reach their goals. This was not easy, but it was the most valuable thing in the entire activity.

Finally, elites of different countries had to give an oral report and do a wonderful folk performance in a spacious auditorium. Our students sang and danced to show the dynamic spirit of Hong Kong. We look forward to the year to come that we can bring more students to participate in the super global forum which will allow young people to shine (Ritsumeikan).

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Coupled with Shu-Te University of Taiwan and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals, the Gifted Education Council of Hong Kong held the “Tri-City Education Forum” in 2005. The three cities championing this new era of education are Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Kaohsiung.

It is the 100th year anniversary of famous educationist Dr. John Dewey’s (1859- 1952) book Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education since its publication in the year 1916. In order to commemorate and study Dr. Dewey’s educational ideas, we hosted the inaugural Tri-City Education Forum entitled “International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education” on 23 October 2015.

Democracy and education contend that education should operate by including social relations of democracy and the individual’s growth and development. The importance of democracy attached to the individual’s life serves as a shield of protection for the individual and preserves social equity. The debate is introduced from the well-versed perspectives of social-interactionist theory.

We are very honoured to have invited Deweyan scholars from all over the world to give keynote speeches on Dewey’s concepts of democracy and education: Professor Jim Garrison (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Dr. Stefan Neubert (University of Cologne), Professor Chen Ya-Jun (Dewey Centre of Fudan University), Professor Shan Zhong-Hui (East China Normal University), and Professor Rex Li (G.T. College).

The 5th International Arts Olympiad (Hong Kong Region) (2015)

The 5th International Arts Olympiad (Hong Kong Region) (2015)

The Arts Olympiad was first launched in the China Region during 2015-16. The GEC and the Powerful Talents Foundation are the official organisers of the event in the Hong Kong Region. The captioned event offers an opportunity for children who are gifted in art to participate in an international arts competition and receive training from professionals.

Since 1997, the International Arts Olympiad has a four-year cycle modelled after the Olympics. It is an international arts competition which provides a platform to enhance the artistic skills of children and young people, and to facilitate cultural artistic exchanges. The International Children Art Foundation (ICAF) is the principal organiser of the event.

The theme of the event in Hong Kong is “Dynamic Hong Kong–Sports.” The winners participated in the Greater Region Semi-Final.

Sciencecraft (2015)

Sciencecraft (2015)

Sciencecraft is a community service project organised for the primary school students who have received little scientific training. We hope, students can develop their talent in science through this activity. We served the following schools:

30th Jan, 2015

L.S.T. Lau Tak Primary

30th Apr, 2015

STFA Leung Kit Wah Primary School

14th Jan, 2016

Y.O.T. Tin Ka Ping Primary School

29th Jan, 2016

Chan’s Creative School (Hong Kong Island)

9th Dec, 2016

S.K.H. Yautong Kei Hin Primary School

15th Dec, 2016

Fan Lou Gang Primary School, Jiangmen

The activity was divided into two parts:

(1) a science show; and (2) various science booths.

The science show was a demonstration by a group of senior students from G.T. College. They carried out interesting experiments and explained scientific facts. Some primary school students were invited to go up to the stage to help out with the experiments. In the science booths, the students from G.T. College explained the theory behind those experiments to the primary school participants.

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Before celebrating the festive Christmas season, the GEC and the Parent-Teacher Association of the GTC held a variety show. That night, we were very honoured to invite Ms. CHENG Wing Fan (Chinese singer), Mr. Pluto CHU (saxophonist), Dr. Isaac D DROSCHA (baritone), Mr. Terry LEUNG (violinist) as well as GTC teachers and students to perform. They all gave a wonderful performance. The reaction from the audience was gorgeous. The show raised a total of $100,000 which will be used for the development of the GEC and gifted education.

Taiwan Higher Education Delegation (2014)

Taiwan Higher Education Delegation (2014)

In order to broaden and open the GEC’s foreign exchange network and strengthen its international perspective, the GEC Chairman and the Secretary General visited a total of five cities from Taipei to Tainan (Taipei, Keelung, Changhua, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung), five universities (Taipei Medical University, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Changhua University of Education, National Chiayi University, and Shu-Te University), two secondary schools (Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School and Kaohsiung Municipal Girls’ Senior High School), and they also signed cooperation agreements with the Taiwan leaders of these academic bodies.

Life Education Seminar (2014)

Life Education Seminar (2014)

The GEC invited Professor ZHU Yuan-Hsiang, president of the Shu-Te University from Taiwan, to G.T. College to preside his life education seminar “Harmony: An Investigation on how Two Sexes Get Along” as the theme. Professor ZHU is experienced in doing gender research and has written extensively on the topic. In the seminar, Professor ZHU dismantled the differences of the modes of thinking between males and females, which also help participants to better understand how the two sexes can live in harmony.

The 10th Project Talent Search (2014)

The 10th Project Talent Search (2014)

The 10th Project Talent Search Prize Giving Ceremony was held successfully. Project Talent Search is a programme which aims to discover the talents of gifted Primary 6 students in the Secondary Multiple Intelligences Test. In that year’s test performance, students performed outstandingly well and won Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards. Students who took Gold were the top 5% in each of the categories (including Maths, Chinese, English, Science, Visual Arts, Music, and Physical Fitness Tests), being the elite of the elite. They were young and demonstrated dominance in the categories, which indicates a promising future ahead of these students.


Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

The GEC invited Prof. SHI Jiannong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mainland China), Prof. WANG Hong from the South China Normal University (Guangdong), Prof. CHEN Lung An from the Shih Chien University (Taiwan) and Prof. Rex LI Ip Fu from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences together to share their unique perspectives on gifted education.

Toys N Voice (2014)

Toys N Voice (2014)

Toys N Voice is a special activity organised for primary students. The GEC invited Visual Arts teachers and GTC students to transform household items into different gadgets. Then, English teachers and GTC students led primary students in various types of games in which the primary students learnt English with joy.

Archives of our Works

Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad (2024)

Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad (2024)

優才書院數學尖子揚威國際 國際數學奧林匹克奪8 金4 銀3 銅佳績 優才(楊殷有娣)書院12 名成績優異的學生,代表中國香港於早前在土耳其伊斯坦堡舉行的2024土耳其國際數學奧林匹克(Turkic International Mathematical Olympiad 2024)競賽中力壓群雄,憑藉對數學敏銳觸覺和卓越的解難能力,兩天的比賽於兩卷合共奪得8 金、4 銀、3 銅的佳績,並獲大會頒發優異獎。港隊全體成員均有獲獎,為香港於國際大賽中奪得歷史性佳績。 這次國際數學奧林匹克總決賽於士耳其伊斯坦堡理工大學以兩份考卷分別於 28/5 及29/5 連續兩天為參賽者進行考核,來自世界各地的數學精英同場競技,由大學教授等專業評判評分。 中國香港隊首次出賽迎戰土耳其、俄羅斯、阿塞拜疆、印尼、泰國、菲律賓等二十多個國家,12名港隊成員首次出賽即取得歷史性佳績,共取得8金、4銀、3銅共十五面個人獎牌。 金獎得主: 陳卓釗、冼嘉樂、楊禮滔、梁語宸、曁曉澄、施語彤、鍾熙仲 銀獎得主: 吳卓軒、蓋德峰、黄正昇 銅獎及優異獎得主: 梁皓洋、梁語宸、曁曉澄、吳家進 中國香港隊於比賽中表現優秀突出,其中楊禮滔於兩卷的成績極佳,為香港隊贏得2面金牌。另外,梁語宸、曁曉澄及蓋德峰亦於兩卷分別奪得1金1銅、1金1銅及 2 銀的成績。 香港隊領隊、優才(楊殷有娣)書院錢正康博士表示各隊員的爭勝決心很強:「這次比賽時間臨近學校年終大考,同學們需要為校內試温習,同時亦要作賽前準備,只抽得比賽前大概一星期時間進行訓練,時間略為不足,但12 位港隊成員目標非常清晰,自律能力高,於賽前把握任何機會及時間作操練、互相討論及研究。」 同為領隊的優才(楊殷有娣)書院林浚汶老師直言:「香港隊於賽前的準備時間緊湊,加上需要遠征土耳其,舟車勞頓,有隊員因為未習慣當地氣候及飲食習慣而水土不服,對香港隊實在是一大挑戰,幸得各隊員通力合作、守望相助,使各成員能以正常狀態發揮出應有水準,於比賽中順利獲取佳績。」 優才書院12位尖子於國際大賽中嶄露頭角,全體隊員皆有獲獎,令中國香港隊在2024土耳其國際數學奧林匹克競賽之旅劃上完美句號。

國際經濟奧林匹克比賽 (2023)

國際經濟奧林匹克比賽 (2023)

國際經濟奧林匹克神奇之旅 香港突破第一金,隊際比賽全球第一名 第六屆國際經濟奧林匹克比賽於8月1日(歐洲時間)在希臘沃洛斯市圓滿閉幕。這場比賽吸引了來自全球48 個地區/國家的頂尖學生參與,他們在希臘爭奪經濟學至高無上的榮譽。香港奧林匹克經濟代表隊首次實體參加這一賽事,經歷了一次驚奇之旅。 隨著閉幕禮的結束,香港隊創造了歷史,取得了出色的成績。他們在這個國際大舞台上首次奪得金牌,所有隊員都獲得了獎牌。五位香港隊成員分別獲得一枚金牌、一枚銀牌和三枚銅牌,並在隊制企業個案報告中獲得了全球48個地區/國家的最高分,創造了歷史並進入決賽獲得亞軍。香港在國際經濟奧林匹克中寫下了新的一頁。 今年的比賽前,香港隊同學只有幾個星期的時間進行訓練,時間相對較短。然而,他們不斷努力,尤其在企業個案環節中,他們花了接近36小時的時間準備簡報並進行修改,進行了密集的訓練。 在比賽前,香港隊並不被看好。由於今年是香港隊第三次參賽,相對於其他經驗豐富的國家,如加拿大、巴西、中國內地、台灣、俄羅斯和印度等,香港隊的經驗相對不足。在前兩屆比賽中,香港隊因為疫情關係只能進行網上比賽,從未有實體作賽的經驗。此外,遠征希臘需要長時間的舟車勞頓,因此他們在比賽前並不被看好。 他們從香港機場出發,先到多哈,然後等候轉機,再由多哈出發到雅典,接著乘旅遊巴從雅典到沃洛斯市。整個旅程需要大約30小時才能到達比賽地點。他們只能在飛機上稍作休息,精神狀態實在不足。另外,其他國家一般派遣中六畢業生參賽, 他們很多學生在一月時已經取得大學入學資格,並在二、三月進行了密集的訓練。然而,香港隊的主要成員是來自中四和中五的同學,他們直到七月才有時間進行訓練,明顯處於劣勢。 香港隊從一開始就展現出強大的競爭力。他們在比賽的不同項目中表現出色,展示了他們在經濟學和商業領域的深厚知識和解決問題的能力。在團隊合作和個人表現方面,他們都展現出了出色的技巧和才華。



日期:2023年7月7日及7月10日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 故事發生於七、八十年代,女主角宜蘭自小由爺爺陪伴長大,感情深厚,與一眾鄉親關係融洽,好不熱鬧。然而, 隨著舉家移民至洛杉機,青少年的宜蘭慢慢遺忘了童年的回憶,與爺爺的關係也逐漸疏離。事隔多年,爺爺去逝在即,宜蘭才醒悟過來,在遺憾中答應回鄉替爺爺完成遺願。就在重新踏入五和村的一刻,她慢慢尋回故鄉的記憶,慢慢尋回自己的根,慢慢尋回自己的名字…… 優才普通話音樂劇:《洛葉歸根》共有兩場公演,分別為20 2 3 年7 月7日,以本校家長為對象;2023年7月10日,以小學六年級家長同學及南山外國語集團學校交流生為對象。《洛葉歸根》一劇包羅各種中國傳統文化,如:功夫、舞獅、書法等,情節笑中有淚,不少來賓家長都因劇中的爺孫情而感觸落淚。除了李業富教授、譚國偉校長的分享外,立法會議員洪雯亦於劇終後上台分享祖國與香港的深厚關係,帶出香港回歸祖國正是浮萍終於「歸根」,與本劇相互呼應。本劇以不一樣的方式作國民教育,同時實踐多元智能教育,期望2024年繼往開來!

「新學說」香港DSE課程學術研討會訪校團 (2023)

「新學說」香港DSE課程學術研討會訪校團 (2023)

2022年6月23日,香港考試及評核局發佈最新的考試規則,宣佈將於2024年起接納合資格內地學校參加香港DSE考試。這意味著,在內地已經獲得相關部門認可、符合資格、批准開辦DSE課程的港人子弟學校最快將於2024年可以在內地參加文憑試(英語口試除外)。 DSE作為目前唯一可以用中英雙語作答的文憑考試,國際認可度也十分廣泛。除了大灣區,內地也掀起了一股開設DSE課程的熱潮。新學說於2023年5月20日-21日在廣東深圳舉辦“香港DSE課程學術研討會”,會議訪校團實地訪問香港優才書院,瞭解辦學特色,學習優秀經驗。  

南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)

南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式 (2023)

4月6日,深圳市南山外國語學校(集團)與香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院合作協定簽署儀式在南山區舉行。雙方將建立“優才南外”教學教研聯盟,優才書院將成為南山外國語學校(集團)第一所香港聯盟學校。雙方旨在通過教育交流合作,共同培育創新人才,建立深港教育融合示範模式,走出以高水準開放及合作促進教育高品質發展的新路徑。 先行示範深港教育融合實踐 根據協定,雙方將建立“優才南外”教學教研聯盟,邀請香港優才書院成為南山外國語學校(集團)聯盟學校,先行示範深港教育融合實踐。 香港中聯辦教育科技部副處長陳志祿線上參會,陳志祿認為,這次合作可謂強強聯手,優勢互補,為雙方注入新的發展動能和活力,攜手打造大灣區教育合作的新標杆,培養更多懂大灣區、愛大灣區,願意參與大灣區融合發展,積極為“一國兩制”事業行穩致遠貢獻力量的新一代青年學生。 南山區委常委、區委(區政府)辦公室主任李威表示,雙方在教育融合、教學教研聯盟、學生互訪、國際理解課程、英才培育、師資培養等方面的合作,對於推動雙方相互學習先進經驗、共用優質教育資源具有重要意義,也有助於雙方青少年深入理解“一國兩制”在香港的成功實踐,不斷增強文化認同、厚植家國情懷。 為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。 師生“互訪周” 為迅速發揮聯盟校優勢,通過合作交流促進深港教育融合,增進深港青少年交流,凝聚向心力量,厚植愛國情懷,南山外國語學校(集團)與聯盟學校香港優才(楊殷有娣)書院舉辦師生“ 互訪周”活動。4月22日上午,40名香港師生來到南外(集團)科華學校展開深入交流。    

“我愛祖國-香港萬人同唱國歌”大型活動 (2023)

“我愛祖國-香港萬人同唱國歌”大型活動 (2023)

活動日期: 18/1/2023 活動時間: 上午十點正 (完滿結束) 活動地點: 優才書院(將軍澳)禮堂 活動當天擬於 18/1/2023 早上10:00正於優才書院(將軍澳) 禮堂內進行,並於指定時間內,各參與單位一同唱國歌及誓師。 並由主辦、合辦及協辦機構以及各界貴賓於會場內帶領下進行,使用校內大屏幕與所有參與單位一起萬人齊唱國歌。 以集合本港各愛國愛港團體人士,眾志成城,共同保衛我國國歌尊嚴。 支持人士: 高永文醫生 GBS, JP 吳克儉先生 GBS, JP 田北辰議員 BBS, JP 葛珮帆議員 BBS, JP 何君堯議員 JP 容海恩議員 JP 活動目標: (一) 維護國歌尊嚴 共享學習天地是次舉辦「我愛祖國 – 香港萬人 同唱國歌」, 支持香港政府連結更多社會各界人士共同維護國歌尊嚴, 並希望用盡一切努力, 深化每位香港人認識我國國歌的真諦。並提醒全港市民,須絕對清楚明白, 在「一國兩制」下,香港特別行政區並沒有獨立的國歌,在任何場合,如需要播放我國國歌,應使用中華人民共和國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》。 (二) 讓國歌深入民心 根據習近平主席新年賀詞中提到中國人只要心往一處想、勁往一處使,同舟共濟、眾志成城,就沒有幹不成的事、邁不過的坎。加上我們的未來希望寄予青年,青年興則國家興,廣大青年厚植國家情懷,故此共享學習天地本着一顆赤子心跟隨習主席的領導下,教導年青人清楚國歌的的重要性,以及要維護我國的尊嚴。  

浸入式英語學習計劃 (2022)

浸入式英語學習計劃 (2022)

旺角區少年警訊與非牟利機構「共享學習天地」 舉行「浸入式英語學習計劃」啟動禮 「浸入式英語學習計劃」網上英語課程啟動禮 日期:2022年10月28日 地點:旺角街坊會陳慶社區會堂 非牟利機構「共享學習天地」與旺角警區及旺角區少年警訊合辦的「浸入式英語學習計劃」網上英語課程,於旺角街坊會陳慶社區會堂舉行啟動禮。警務處處長蕭澤頤PDSM PMSM、旺角區少年警訊名譽會長會及油尖旺區撲滅罪行委員會主席陳香蓮JP、旺角警區指揮官吳志忠總警司及一眾旺角區少年警訊名譽會長會會長及顧問包括羅少雄先生MH、歐天賜先生、王子成先生MH、吳錦祥先生、丁天佑先生、駱德祥先生、陳麗芳博士及甄懋強先生出席典禮,期間與在場100位校長、老師、學生及家長交流。 「共享學習天地」吳家儀校長將於未來三年向4400名基層學生舉辦免費的網上英文課程,當中透過短片播放以及旺角警民關係組人員講解,注入防罪及守法意識等元素,從而加深青少年的防罪意識及向他們灌輸正確人生觀及國民觀念。 今次計劃深化非牟利機構與警方之間的合作,採用傳統學校以外的平台推廣及招募少年警訊會員,即使課程完結後,青少年仍然可以繼續透過少年警訊平台接觸防罪信息,增加計劃的延伸性,達致薪火相傳,讓警方與青少年建立長期滅罪伙伴關係,實在極有意義。

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」(2022)

優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」 日期:2022年7月28日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 故事講述一場音樂真人秀,各參賽者傾力以勁歌熱舞表演,以奪取桂冠。然而,鎂光下,每人背後也有各自的辛酸磨折,才成就今日血淚交融的演出。一對熱切追求演藝夢的姐妹,希望透過歌聲感染眾人,唯在現實與追夢間拉扯徘徊,最終姐妹二人各自走上不同的道路。千帆過盡,只要不忘初心,縱身處不同崗位也能造福人群。歡聲淚影間,眾人使出渾身解數,淬煉出一個又一個香江故事,成就香港二十五年來獨一無二的動人傳奇,以 HK’s Got Talent 證明港人驕傲。 優才原創英語音樂劇︰「HK’s got talent」於2022年7月28日圓滿結束。音樂劇於當晚7時揭開序幕,李業富教授與譚國偉博士感謝台前幕後一眾師生的辛勤付出,並期望優才繼續發展多元智能教育,讓同學發揮所長。當晚同學載歌載舞,各司其職,令全場約二百名觀眾看得如癡如醉。劇終一刻,禮堂掌聲雷動,劇組全體人員鞠躬致謝,並期望來年再會。當晚演出成為為本校創校團體「天才教育協會」籌得款項以作推動資優教育之用。

『兩文三語』菁英大比拼 (2022)

『兩文三語』菁英大比拼 (2022)

香港作為一個國際都市,要在世界經濟上爭取佳績,市民必須擁有良好的英語能力;而中國在國際經濟、貿易扮演的角色日益重要,要掌握普通話、了解祖國國情,才可以把握自身的優勢,有效地與內地和國外溝通、合作及發展。 本會譚國偉校長擔任「全港中學『兩文三語』菁英大比拼」(第十九屆)活動籌委會顧問,鼓勵同學培養良好的中英文表達能力、溝通技巧及關心社會時事,以迎接未來的挑戰。

Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET) (2022)

Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET) (2022)

The Multiple Intelligences Schools Network (MISNET). On behalf of the MISNET is initiated by the Gifted Education Council and the G.T. Education Foundation. With the conviction that the MI (multiple intelligences) education is a right more than a luxury for students and schools, today, we have taken the initiative–to take […]

International MI Education Forum (2022)

International MI Education Forum (2022)

With the support from G.T. College, Gifted Education Council, G.T. Education Foundation, and Research MI, the International MI Education Forum 2022 is an international multi-stakeholders’ platform for educational stakeholder communities active in the area of curriculum design and implementation. Being conducted in a hybrid mode, it brings together policymakers, thought […]

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2022)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2022)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) is initiated by Gifted Education Council (GEC) and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College in February 2021. It aims to enhance the interest and passion of secondary school students in science and technology to address global challenges and to connect talented young scientists in […]

International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge (2022)

International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge (2022)

In the International Economics Olympiad Winter Challenge 2022, our students won 2 Gold Awards, 4 Silver Awards and 5 Bronze Awards out of over 1000 participants from 44 countries/regions. Congratulations!     World HK team by GEC No. of participants >1000 14 No. of Gold Awards 21 (2.1%*) 2 (14.3%*) […]

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2022)

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2022)

The Hong Kong Economics Olympiad 2022 was successfully completed on June 25, 2022. The HKEO consisted of two parts: an individual economics test and a team-based business case competition. We were honoured to have three distinguished guests as our judges: Mr. Chui Yiu-man (Certified Public Accountant and Partner of Lai, […]

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2021)

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) (2021)

Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition (GBASPC) is a STEM competition initiated by Gifted Education Council (GEC) and G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College. It aims to connect talented young scientists in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to exchange their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for exploring and developing innovations. […]

錫(無錫)港(香港)校長論壇 (2021)

錫(無錫)港(香港)校長論壇 (2021)

主禮嘉賓:香港中聯辦教科部 易飛副部長 日期:2021年7月3日 地點:香港優才書院禮堂 副題:獻禮中國共產黨百年華誕暨香港回歸二十四周年 • 62位粵港澳大灣區及29位江蘇省教育工作者及學校代表參與; • 獻禮祖國:《共敘百年故事》(無錫市教育局負責)、《童聲合唱》 (無錫市少年宮負責)、《茉莉花》及《保衛黃河》(天才教育協會負責); •《全人教育 全面發展》主題論壇促進教育共融與發展; • 錫港八所中小學締結友好學校。 精華片段:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EgF50IiDLD_zTg6-Fbvop1AUpTA6esXs/view?usp=sharing

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (2021)

The 2021 Hong Kong Economics Olympiad has successfully completed the preliminary contest on April 17, 2021. The preliminary contest of the day was divided into two sections. The first section was economic multiple-choice questions, and the second section was business discussion cases. The judges were Lai, Chui & CO. Accountant […]

2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

2020 世界數學團體錦標賽(香港區比賽) (2020)

「2020 第十一屆世界數學團體錦標賽」原本輪到越南主辦,但因疫情改由各地區自行安排賽事。 香港區比賽已於2020 年11 月29 日( 星期日) 舉行,感謝優才( 楊殷有娣) 書院提供禮堂,使賽事得以圓滿進行。 參賽國家/ 地區包括美國、澳洲、日本、巴西、埃及、西班牙、卡塔爾、阿爾巴尼亞、保加利亞、越南、新加坡、菲律賓、印尼、南韓、台灣、香港、澳門、中國各城市…… 舉辦機構 : 香港數學奧林匹克學校 及 國際培育基金會 主辦 天才教育協會 及 香港數學學校 協辦 其宗旨為: (i) 增進各地區青少年之間的瞭解和交流,建立跨國友誼。 (ii) 培養青少年團結合作的精神。 (iii) 增進各國數學教育工作者之 (iv) 培養青少年學習數學的興趣,提升他們的數學思維能力。 間的交流與合作,促進數學教育的發展。

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會成立大會暨校長論壇 (2020)

主禮嘉賓:香港中聯辦教科部 何金暉處長 日期及地點:2020年11月13日 (香港培僑中學禮堂) 2020年11月14日 (香港優才書院禮堂) •由廣東省教育研究院及五個協會 (香港校長專業發展促進會、香港教育工作者聯會、九龍地域校長聯會、新界校長會、澳 門中華教育會)倡議成立; •粵港澳大灣區(9+2城市)近200位大灣區校長及60位港澳校長參與; •多家知名媒體報導:獲得人民日報、紫荊雜誌、大公報、南方日報、羊城晚報等多家媒體報導。 精華片段:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v4MK_WPLrUSKUXsX2zSp_b8019ppb6sk/view?usp=sharing 香港分會場:優才(楊殷有娣)書院禮堂 廣東分會場:北京師範大學珠海校區國際交流中心3樓國會廳  

第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽 (2019)

第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽 (2019)

由天才教育協會及東區體育會主辦的第一屆國際亞洲中學生巧固球邀請賽已於2019年1月5日小西灣體育館順利完滿舉行。參與是次比賽的學生代表來自中國、中華台北、中國澳門、馬來西亞、新加坡及中國香港。冠軍隊伍由奪標大熱的中華台北隊勇奪,而優才書院男子巧固球隊獲殿軍。本校的男子巧固球隊組軍只有數月,面對各隊實力很強的隊伍,我校每場仍能奮戰到底,表現非常積極。賽後亦獲得國際巧固球總會會長稱讚,期望他們繼續努力集訓,更期望活動能推動香港的巧固球熱, 讓更多人都能享受這種運動的樂趣。

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

Hong Kong First International Tchoukball Coaching Class (2019)

1. Opening Date: 4 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng   2. Coach Training (Day 1 & Day 2) Date: 4 April 2019, 5 April 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Venue: G.T. College (Secondary Section), […]

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

5-a-side Football Invitational (2018)

A 5-a-side Football Invitational was successfully held at G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College on 27 May 2018. This event was co-organized by the Gifted Education Council and the Arsenal Soccer School (Hong Kong). More than 180 participants from 13 teams endured the scorching weather and competed within their age groups. The […]

第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017)

(16) 第三屆兩岸三城教育論壇第一季第六場山長講壇 (2017) 第三屆「兩岸三城教育論壇」、第一季第六場「山長講壇」暨廣州越秀區第六屆教育學術節於2017 年12 月11 日完滿結束。當日,國內外教育專家、校長、老師雲集廣州,一同探討學生個性化發展議題。 是次教育論壇的主題為《點燃·喚醒:國際視野下的學生個性化發展》,分別由劉堅教授、張志敏校長及李業富教授三位嘉賓主講。三位講者不約而同以中國的科技發展為題材,各自表述其精闢獨到的教育觀點。於李業富教授演講期間,更設與觀眾互動的環節,其中「你會比較信賴人類醫生還是高智能機器人醫生?」的提問, 更引發台下觀眾積極思考及熱烈討論。 當日下午為「山長講壇」,「山長講壇」是2017 年6 月由廣東省中小學校長聯合會發起的,以「啟迪教育智慧、分享教育之道」為宗旨,傳播中國教育的智慧。 2017 年第一季「山長講壇」共設6 場,每月一場,每場誠邀4 至6 位校長、教育家或其他各界名家共同參與,分享各自獨特的教育觀點。「山長講壇」借鑑了風靡全球的TED 演講模式,先由校長演講18 分鐘,再由聽眾提問12 分鐘。本校校長譚國偉博士是當日講壇的講者之一, 其講題為《多元資優,盡展潛能》,論述如何在香港中學實踐個性化發展,培育資優人才。當日的觀眾對香港培育資優學生很感興趣,現場反應熱烈,譚校長就著觀眾的查詢一一回應。

Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (2017)

The Hong Kong Joint School Biology Olympiad (HKJSBO) was an event where students from high schools experienced a challenging test of their skills in tackling biological problems through reasoning, understanding, and problem-solving. It provided a platform for students to learn biology in a lively way by taking a more exploratory […]

The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

The Second Tri-City Education Forum—”Flipped Classroom” (2016)

Educational exchanges in Greater China are becoming more frequent. In order to promote cross-strait cooperation between mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, the Gifted Education Council (GEC) founded the Tri-City Education Forum in Hong Kong in 2015, cooperating with Shu-Te University (Kaohsiung,Taiwan) and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals to hold […]

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

Variety Show 2016 (2016)

The 2016 Variety Show was held successfully on 6th July. Sparkling performances included A Cappella, orchestra, handchimes group, modern dance, nunchucks, African drum, juggling, and the finale was mass singing. Mr. Terry Leung (violinist), Pluto Chu (saxophonist), Mr. Mario Bernardo (pop singer), and Mr. Alex Cheung (African drum soloist) were […]

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

Guinness World Records—Largest nunchaku Lesson (2016)

G.T. College always upholds its education philosophy–“joyful and balanced development.” Other than promoting literary reading and honed writing skills, the school has been concentrating on the development of school sports. The Secondary Section of G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College successfully set the Guinness World Record for the largest nunchaku session with […]

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

Memorandum of Understanding: Signature Ceremony (2016)

The Sister Schools Agreements for G.T. College, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School (KGHS), Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School (KSHS), and Kamnoetvidya Science Academy (KVIS) were formalised after the signature ceremony held on 27 January 2016.The GEC will engage G.T. College to visit these schools for having cultural […]

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Visiting Ritsumeikan (Kyoto) (2016)

Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School (Nagaokakyo Campus) from Japan organised a super global forum in January for students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Britain, and Singapore. G.T. College representing Hong Kong to Kyoto of Japan had some sharing with students from various countries. Principal Tam led a delegation […]

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Inauguration Ceremony—A Tri-City Education Forum and International Symposium on the Centenary of Democracy & Education —John Dewey (2015)

Coupled with Shu-Te University of Taiwan and the Confederation of Guangdong Principals, the Gifted Education Council of Hong Kong held the “Tri-City Education Forum” in 2005. The three cities championing this new era of education are Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Kaohsiung. It is the 100th year anniversary of famous educationist […]

The 5th International Arts Olympiad (Hong Kong Region) (2015)

The 5th International Arts Olympiad (Hong Kong Region) (2015)

The Arts Olympiad was first launched in the China Region during 2015-16. The GEC and the Powerful Talents Foundation are the official organisers of the event in the Hong Kong Region. The captioned event offers an opportunity for children who are gifted in art to participate in an international arts […]

Sciencecraft (2015)

Sciencecraft (2015)

Sciencecraft is a community service project organised for the primary school students who have received little scientific training. We hope, students can develop their talent in science through this activity. We served the following schools: 30th Jan, 2015 L.S.T. Lau Tak Primary 30th Apr, 2015 STFA Leung Kit Wah Primary […]

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Christmas Variety Fundraising Show (2014)

Before celebrating the festive Christmas season, the GEC and the Parent-Teacher Association of the GTC held a variety show. That night, we were very honoured to invite Ms. CHENG Wing Fan (Chinese singer), Mr. Pluto CHU (saxophonist), Dr. Isaac D DROSCHA (baritone), Mr. Terry LEUNG (violinist) as well as GTC […]

Taiwan Higher Education Delegation (2014)

Taiwan Higher Education Delegation (2014)

In order to broaden and open the GEC’s foreign exchange network and strengthen its international perspective, the GEC Chairman and the Secretary General visited a total of five cities from Taipei to Tainan (Taipei, Keelung, Changhua, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung), five universities (Taipei Medical University, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Changhua […]

Life Education Seminar (2014)

Life Education Seminar (2014)

The GEC invited Professor ZHU Yuan-Hsiang, president of the Shu-Te University from Taiwan, to G.T. College to preside his life education seminar “Harmony: An Investigation on how Two Sexes Get Along” as the theme. Professor ZHU is experienced in doing gender research and has written extensively on the topic. In […]

The 10th Project Talent Search (2014)

The 10th Project Talent Search (2014)

The 10th Project Talent Search Prize Giving Ceremony was held successfully. Project Talent Search is a programme which aims to discover the talents of gifted Primary 6 students in the Secondary Multiple Intelligences Test. In that year’s test performance, students performed outstandingly well and won Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards. […]

Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

Gifted Education Council set up the 25th Anniversary Symposium (2014)

The GEC invited Prof. SHI Jiannong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mainland China), Prof. WANG Hong from the South China Normal University (Guangdong), Prof. CHEN Lung An from the Shih Chien University (Taiwan) and Prof. Rex LI Ip Fu from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of […]

Toys N Voice (2014)

Toys N Voice (2014)

Toys N Voice is a special activity organised for primary students. The GEC invited Visual Arts teachers and GTC students to transform household items into different gadgets. Then, English teachers and GTC students led primary students in various types of games in which the primary students learnt English with joy.
